Davi Correia

Davi Correia

Davi Correia's main areas of expertise are signal integrity, electromagnetic theory and applications, numerical methods and programming. He is interested in applying his knowledge into teaching, researching and developing new products and methods. A particular area of interest for is in the automation of different aspects of product design, freeing up engineering time (both his own and his peers) to focus on the bigger issues and root-cause problems. When not working, he is also an amateur swimmer/biker, a devoted husband, and a proud father.



The Truth About High-Speed Connector Design

It’s Not as Simple as Just Putting Metal and Plastic Together

In the high-speed connector design arena, there are two opposing ideas. For some people, if you simply put pieces of plastic and metal together, eventually you have a signal transmission. This process is very simple. On the other end of the spectrum, there is the idea that a solid connector design requires a deep understanding of electromagnetic theory, a wisdom only sorcerers and wizards possess.

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Demystifying Edge Launch Connectors

一个特别具有挑战性的配置ge launch, where connectors are used on the edge of the PCB with a transition to a microstrip trace. A poorly optimized connector footprint leads to degradation of the signal integrity performance, especially at high data rates. This paper identifies the root cause of the problem by showing how the electromagnetic fields behave at the transition area. Then it presents a design methodology, using simulated and measured data, that ensures the quality of high-speed data transmission.

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A Tale of the Equations That Changed Everything

When I first started studying Maxwell’s Equations, I was always intrigued by its mathematical finesse. How could someone think of that? Today we take them for granted and we sometimes forget how amazing they are and what a genius the guy was. In my view, James Maxwell should be with, if not above, Einstein and Newton among the greatest physicists to ever live, but outside our field people seldom know who Maxwell was.

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